Monday, September 8, 2014

Sweetwater Station & The Oregon Trail

While traveling on Highway 287 in Wyoming, Lil Dude stopped at the Sweetwater Station Rest Stop and was very pleasantly surprised at the very clean restrooms. Compared to other rest area's across the great American nation, this must be in the top ten for cleanliness!

Four historical trails pass through the area of Sweetwater Station - the Oregon, Mormon Pioneer, California, and Pony Express. The landscape looks almost exactly the same as it did almost 200 years ago when pioneers were traveling west by horse, covered wagons, and on foot. The trails were so worn that even today there are still miles of visible paths and ruts.

Miles & miles of wagon train ruts. Thousands of feet
walked this path.

This is the same landscape the pioneers saw as they
made the dangerous trek westward.


  1. Thanks for posting these photos and the information, Chris, Exeter, England

  2. Thank you for your comment!

    1. Do you have any more photos of the Oregon Trail ?

  3. Added one showing a marker. Lil Dude Troll was traveling with us on the way to Yellowstone National Park. We crossed the trail in several places, but we were not expressly traveling the Oregon Trail at that time so we only took a few photos.
