Monday, June 30, 2014

Ron Jon Surf Shop

The Ron Jon Surf Shop in Cocoa Beach, Florida is the world's largest surf shop. 

With over 52,000 square feet of merchandise and open 24 hours a day, 7 days each and every week, a troll can get just about anything and everything their beach-related lifestyle requires anytime their little heart desires it!

Monday, June 16, 2014

High-heeled Shoe Tree

At the High-heeled Shoe Tree
The High-heeled Shoe Tree is located in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The "shoe tree" is in front of a private residence, the home of an artist and the creator of the shoe tree. The piece consists solely of dozens of pairs of lady's high heeled shoes nailed from bottom to top of a telephone pole. 

The outside of the well-kept home is covered in strange things such as flower beds enclosed by bowling balls (some with railroad spikes embedded in them) or half-buried bottles of different colors, a huge ball of colored cloth strips, a home-made telescope made of cast-off wood, bleached animal skulls and sculpted wire figures. Lil Dude Troll felt right at home!

Shoes, shoes, shoes

Bowling ball ringed flower garden

Home-made telescope made of wood & cast-off pieces of junk

Rolled up fireman's hose of colored cloth

Monday, June 2, 2014

Most Interesting Troll in the World

Even the world's most interesting man want's his picture taken with Lil Dude Troll. After all, it was Lil Dude who taught him how to parallel park a train.

Stay thirsty, my friend.